Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

First and foremost, it was a unique pleasure working with you. Professionalism, great customer service, and knowledge of the roofing industry are impeccable qualities that you displayed during our dealings. You are truly an asset.

– G. Miner

Thank you for great service. I dealt with Mike and his team. He communicated with me in a form I could understand which decreased my stress level. (I’m deaf and we texted a lot.) The crew cleaned up after all was done and the result was a new roof and the yard looked like no mess had ever been there.
– C. Lee

This was an insurance claim replacement roof. They worked with our insurance company. Work was done in just 5 hours and cleanup was fabulous. Very polite workers.
– M. Hutcheson

Has been nearly a year since the repairs and all is well. Wish I had used them years earlier. Prompt, polite, honest, excellent work, professional workers, very reasonable price. What more could any homeowner ask for, especially seniors and disabled vets? Will certainly recommend and use again.
– J. Scott

Mike Roberts of Central Arkansas Roofing was OUTSTANDING to work with…. When I began to ask neighbors about their experiences, I learned that Mike Roberts (and crew) of Central Arkansas Roofing replaced roofs on several of the homes in our small neighborhood, and my neighbors were the ones who recommended Mr. Roberts HIGHLY…. I could not have been more pleased with his professionalism, service, and response….
– K. Autrey

From the day they came out to give us the estimate they were very polite, professional, and punctual…. I would recommend Central Arkansa Roofing to anyone who needs a new or repaired roof. Mike was easy to contact when needed and there to make sure his guys did great work, which they did. I would just like to thank Mike, the workers, and Central Arkansas Roofing for a job well done.
– N. McClane

Great service and great job on the roof install. I had 2 layers of old roofing to remove, as well as old water damage to some of the decking, and a gutter that needed to be redirected for better drainage…. Tearing off 2 layers of shingles is pretty messy but when the job was done everything was cleaned up and looked great. This has not been my experience with other companies so I was very happy to see how well they cleaned up afterward…. I could not believe they were able to complete the whole job in 1 day but they did and did a great job, too.
– J. Hammons

They arrived on time the day that we requested. Introduced themselves and got started on the job. The job was a little more than expected but they stuck with it and finished around 8:30 that evening. They left the site cleaner than it was when they got there. I would recommend this company to anyone. I have had roofing done in the past by another company and suffered through many problems. This company has very reliable personnel working for them and they are very customer service oriented.
– H. Williams

I don’t see any way our contacts with Central Arkansas Roofing could have been more positive. When we discovered that the roof was leaking and needed to be replaced we contacted 3 respected local companies by phone…. Central Arkansas Roofing was the first to respond, first to visit the property, and the only company to present a written proposal as we requested…. The company did exactly what it proposed to do, did it at a reasonable price, and did it more quickly and efficiently than I would have expected. I would not hesitate to recommend Central Arkansas Roofing to my best friend or anyone else who needs roof repair or replacement.
– R. Tucker

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